NuGet Packages By Dependencies

AdDuplex (cross-promotion network for Windows Phone and Windows 8 apps) SDK for Silverlight based Windows Phone 7.1 (Mango) apps
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com.xcitestudios.Network [2 dependencies]

Generic network
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MinimumAsyncBridge [2 dependencies]

Miminum set of the async/await portability libarary.
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Brik.Data.Common [2 dependencies]

Allows SQL Server Compact 4.0 to be used with Entity Framework Core
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Xamarin.Swift3.SIMD [2 dependencies]

This package gives Xamarin support for Swift3. Includes libswiftsimd.dylib
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Macroresolute [2 dependencies]

Macroresolute Base Library.
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OpenCV Win Video (UWP) [2 dependencies]

Pre-built OpenCV 3.x binaries on Windows (UWP). This package contains native builds of OpenCV3 - C++ (x86, x64, arm). Note that VideoIO, and all dependent modules, require UWP Desktop extensions.
FAKE - F# Make - is a build automation tool for .NET. Tasks and dependencies are specified in a DSL which is integrated in F#.
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PlatForm.LibFrame [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Asp.Net DI and Scrutor missing features
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NittyGritty.Platform [2 dependencies]

Boilerplate code that can speed up your development
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Tm.Lib.Data.Integration [2 dependencies]

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Abstractions_Skillunion [2 dependencies]

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Arcanum.Routes [2 dependencies]

Arcanum.Routes implements very simple and performant format of routes/paths that you can use in many cases to save your time.
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Onf.Infastructure.Logger [2 dependencies]

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FlakEssentials.Download [2 dependencies]

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Allegory.Standart.Filter [2 dependencies]

Allegory Framework