NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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WebMoney.Cryptography [2 dependencies]

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Punchclock [2 dependencies]

Make sure your asynchronous operations show up to work on time
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Ext.NET.MVC5 [2 dependencies]

Ext.NET is an advanced ASP.NET (WebForms + MVC) component framework integrating the cross-browser Sencha Ext JS JavaScript Library. Includes 100+ high performance controls for Data Grids, Trees, Menus, Forms, Advanced Layouts and AJAX communication.
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Tools.Win [2 dependencies]

Windows (desktop) -specific classes. Usually wrappers around Win32 API
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LtiLibrary.NetCore [2 dependencies]

.NET Core library with IMS LTI support for Tool Consumer and Tool Provider applications. Supports IMS LTI 1.0, 1.1, 1.1.1 and 1.2, Outcomes 1.0, Outcomes 2.0 (Draft), Content-Item Message 1.0, and Membership 1.0.
Package Description
Server part of Elmish.Remoting
The SortedPRO SDK Quotes interfaces for .NET Standard
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AdwardSoft.Utilities [2 dependencies]

AdwardSoft Utilities: Caching, Helper, Extensions
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Kademlia DHT K-bucket [2 dependencies]

Kademlia DHT K-bucket C# implementation as a binary tree.
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Injector.NET [2 dependencies]

A featherweight dependency injector.
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Decos.Http.Signatures [2 dependencies]

A .NET Standard 2.0 library for generating signatures on HTTP messages. Typically, the SignatureAuthorizationHandler is used with an HttpClient for signing outgoing requests.
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Neurotechnology Core [2 dependencies]

Neurotechnology Core Components Mantained by Biometria Aplicada
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DirectValidation [2 dependencies]

A simple library in .NET Standard (C#) to validate your staff without nesting your code.
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AadvantageLab.Essentials [2 dependencies]

Essential useful helping methods for Aadvantage Lab company
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ACP.Framework.Entity [2 dependencies]

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SwagOverFlow [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Contains abstractions and implementations for some basic Serenity features like authorization, caching, localization, dependency resolution, reflection...
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C1.UWP.Document [2 dependencies]

PDF ドキュメントとやりとりするためのPDFDocumentSource を含むドキュメントライブラリです。PDF の読み込み、保存、印刷、および検索をサポートします。
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NeXL.Core.Ranges [2 dependencies]

Extension for Excel.Range