NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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FlitBit.ObjectIdentity [2 dependencies]

Dynamically emitted, stereotypical implementation of object identity.
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Funq [2 dependencies]

this package contains the assembly to reference Funq which is a high performance DI framework.
1. Source code can be download from 2. Code style guideline for VisualBasic of this runtime library at codeproject article: 3. Article about manipulate th...
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Wikiled.Core.Standard [2 dependencies]

Shared Library
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AspNet.Security.OAuth.QQ [2 dependencies]

ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling QQ authentication.
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MainApp.IconPack [2 dependencies]

WPF MainApp IconPacks
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Rfc2253 [2 dependencies]

Accepts and parses strings in the format of an RFC 2253 Distinguished Name, and optionally normalizes them for direct comparison of equivalency. This project is a .NET Standard 1.3 solution to parse LDAP (or X.509) Distinguished Names and optionally normalize them so that two (or more) Distinguishe...
MvxExtensions provide a set of libraries that extend the awesome MvvmCross framework. This package contains the Notification plugin of MvxExtensions that provides notification capabilities For more info check the documentation
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CoralogixCoreSDK [2 dependencies]

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Cerberix.DataAccess [2 dependencies]

Support for automatic validation, update and strongly-typed access to configuration.
Package Description
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BlazorFluentUI.BFUText [2 dependencies]

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Xunit.Extensions.Core [2 dependencies]

Xunit extensions core
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EventBus [2 dependencies]

An event bus library for .NET and .NET core. This library contains only interfaces, use with it's implemention EventBus.RabbitMQ.