NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Este paquete contiene los ensamblados satélites en español para las Microsoft ASP.NET Web API Core Libraries (RC).
OpenRiaServices CodeGen provides the MsBuild Tasks to generate the client proxy. If the signed T4 template is used on the server then you need to use OpenRiaServices.Signed.Client.CodeGen instead.
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Fozzy.Skin [2 dependencies]

Fozzy Skin is an Interface with the Presentation Layer
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Positron Server [2 dependencies]

Base package for in-process ASP.Net Core MVC 6 web server. Should be used by assemblies which are serving controllers and views, but which don't require access to the actual in-process server host.
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RevStackCore.Cryptography [2 dependencies]

Symmetric, hashed and base64 utility methods and extensions
Xamarin Android Binding Library - Sephiroth ImageZoom
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UChainDB.ChainContracts [2 dependencies]

Base contracts for UChainDB
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Cogito.AspNetCore [2 dependencies]

Various utilities and extensions for ASP.Net Core.
Package Description
OpenCensus .NET API abstractions
Common data model for track layout, timetables and resouces scheduling.
Package Description
This is a custom server-side validation library for C# and .NET. This version includes the following validation attributes: 1. RequiredIfAttribute: To mark a field required based on the value of another field. 2. MaxAgeAttribute: To validate maximum age against the date of birth value of DateTime ...
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PlatformFramework [2 dependencies]

Main library package for PlatformFramework
Package Description
DCMS Module CodeGenerator(代码生成) - Domain
Package Description
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Facode.DotNet.Application [2 dependencies]

Biblioteca de itens comuns para camada de Application de projetos corporativos da FACode