NuGet Packages By Dependencies

3D Graphics Rendering Engine for .Net
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Nancy.Owin [19 dependencies]

Nancy extensions for OWIN hosting.
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Flexberry ORM [19 dependencies]

Flexberry ORM package.
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library ''.
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Accusoft.ImageGear.Core [19 dependencies]

The `Accusoft.ImageGear.Core` package contains all the functionality needed to read and write raster images in a variety of formats, as well as algorithms to manipulate image metadata and image pixel values. ## Getting Started ## Converting between image formats with ImageGear is simple: ``` using...
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RekTec.XStudio.Config [19 dependencies]

RekTec XStudio
dotbpe.rpc is a lightweight and high performance, easy to learn rpc framework
App Metrics HTTP health checks.
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qcloud.qcloudsms_csharp [19 dependencies]

qcloudsms c# sdk
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ijw.Next [19 dependencies]

Package Description
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NCache SDK Professional [19 dependencies]

This NCache SDK NuGet package is a complete package for using NCache Professional for .NET Framework and .NET Core applications.
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PipServices3.Components [19 dependencies]

Component definitions for Pip.Services in .NET
Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'androidx.swiperefreshlayout:swiperefreshlayout'. Library description: The Support Library is a static library that you can add to your Android application in order to use APIs that are either not available for older platform versions or utilit...
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'androidx.arch.core:core-runtime'. Library description: Android Arch-Runtime
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Macross.Json.Extensions [19 dependencies]

Macross Software Json extensions library. Provides helpers & converters for the System.Text.Json API and push stream types for the System.Net.Http API. Commonly Used Types: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonStreamReader System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonStringEnumMemberConver...
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HttpReports.Core [19 dependencies]

HttpReports is a lightweight APM system developed for .NET Core
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OpenMod.Core [19 dependencies]

Core service implementations for OpenMod
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Sitko.Core.App [19 dependencies]

Sitko.Core is a set of libraries to help build .NET Core applications fast
This package is an internal package for public products. Please note that you never call any method in this library nor do you link it directly.