NuGet Packages By Dependencies
DotSpatial.Projections [19 dependencies]
Package Description
EmitMapper [19 dependencies]
Powerful customisable tool for mapping entities to each other. Entities can be plain objects, DataReaders, SQL commands and anything you need. The tool uses run-time code generation via the Emit library. It is usefull for dealing with DTO objects, data access layers an so on.
Rx_Experimental-Main [19 dependencies]
Simple.Data.Ado [19 dependencies]
Simple data access for .NET 4.5 and above
ExifLib.PCL [19 dependencies]
Portable EXIF library for Windows 8, Windows Phone, Silverlight, Android, and iOS.
Based completely on ExifLib - A Fast Exif Data Extractor for .NET 2.0+ created by Simon McKenzie and released on Code Project under Code Project Open License.
Modified to take a stream in constructor and...
AWSSDK - CloudWatchLogs [19 dependencies]
Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring service for AWS cloud resources and the applications you run on AWS. You can use Amazon CloudWatch to collect and track metrics, collect and monitor log files, and set alarms.
AWSSDK - CognitoIdentityProvider [19 dependencies]
You can create a user pool in Amazon Cognito Identity to manage directories and users. You can authenticate a user to obtain tokens related to user identity and access policies. This API reference provides information about user pools in Amazon Cognito Identity, which is a new capability that is ava...
System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl [19 dependencies]
Provides cryptographic algorithm implementations and key management for non-Windows systems with OpenSSL.
Commonly Used Types:
When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version 3.4.
Veldrid [19 dependencies]
A low-level, hardware-accelerated graphics and compute library for .NET, with backends for Vulkan, Metal, Direct3D 11, OpenGL, and OpenGL ES. Veldrid can be used to create high-performance 2D and 3D games, simulations, tools, and other graphical applications.
Intent.SoftwareFactory.SDK [19 dependencies]
SDK for building your own modules for Intent Architect.
Ionic.Zip [19 dependencies]
SqlKata The C# Sql Query Builder [19 dependencies]
Adds the execution capabilities for SqlKata
Cogito.Autofac [19 dependencies]
Provides various autofac utilities, and a new unique attribute registration system.
CodeMonkeys.Core [19 dependencies]
This package contains some basic stuff for CodeMonkeysMVVM to work properly. It contains helper classes for e.g. convinience argument null checks and interfaces so the packages are all independent of each other but still work fine together.
AreaEngineering.Contracts.Core [19 dependencies]
AreaEngineering Contracts for Core
Blazorise [19 dependencies]
Blazorise is a component library built on top of Blazor and CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Bulma and Material.
Tencent.QCloud.Cos.Sdk [19 dependencies]
Tencent Cloud COS(Cloud Object Service) .Net SDK
Gapotchenko.FX [19 dependencies]
.NET polyfill to the future. A versatile RAD (Rapid Application Development) framework for .NET platform.
MCS.Library.OGUPermission [19 dependencies]
AK47 Framework MCS.Library.OGUPermission
Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.Processes [19 dependencies]
Provides a set of APIs to process thread and process data in Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) traces (.etl files) in .NET.
Consider using Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.Processing.All instead to provide native dependencies and data providers.