Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NoDb

Total dependencies: 19

This is a .NET Framework enhancement framework. Main features are Versioning, Finance, Currency, Foreign Exchange, Money, Pricing strategy, Telemetry, Composite Weighted Progress, Repository and Unity of Wok pattern implementation with Entity Framework Core, Network Connectivity Se...
NoDb implementation of cloudscribe core commands and queries
cloudscribe.SimpleContent.Storage implemented with NoDb file system storage
An ASP.NET Core web API middleware for the Machine library.
NoDb storage for cloudscribe key/value models. NoDb storage is only recommended for small sites.
AppText is a content management system for apps. Application developers can use it to replace static resources in applications with dynamic content and delegate content management to non-developers.
NoDb implementation of cloudscribe ILogRepository
NoDb data storage for cloudscribe Membership Paywall
NoDb configuration and operational stores for IdentityServer4 cloudscribe multi-tenant identity integration
NoDb storage for Dynamic Authorization Policies for ASP.NET Core
helper classes to facilitate data migration to and from NoDb storage
NoDb Storage for cloudscribe Stripe Integration
NoDb storage for cloudscribe.Forms, a custom forms and surveys solution for ASP.NET Core
NoDb storage for the cloudscribe TalkAbout comments solution
NoDb storage for TalkAbout Forum
NoDb storage for cloudscribe.PwaKit
NoDb storage for cloudscribe Newsletter solution, not recommends for production use
NoDb storage for cloudscribe email queue, not recommends for production use
NoDb data storage for cloudscribe Email Templating