Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

A high performance Micro-ORM library supporting SQL Server and PostgreSQL.
Compiste web application development framework, application development infrastructure. SchuberFramework core class libraries.
Common Utilities. Translations
A simple mobile model code set used through several custom Xamarin Forms applications.
The Validation Application Block provides useful features that allow developers to implement structured and easy-to-maintain validation scenarios in their applications. This is a non-configurable .NET Standard-based Validation Application Block.
An asynchronous wrapper library for
This package contains TypeScript code generators for creating POTO and Knockout classes.
A command management system compatible with .NET core >= 2.0. and .NET classic framework (including the obsolete .NET framework 2.0). Definition of commands, parsing of command-line arguments, execution of commands. Commands can be defined using a Startup class (similarly to ASP.NET Core) and...
.NET client for HttPlaceholder - A very flexible cross platform HTTP stub application.
ASP.NET Core MVC core components extensions.
ACMESharp support library for .NET Core
The package contains base classes for entities and repositories
Package Description
Implementation of Shufti Pro API as .NET client
Storage queries and mutations for .NET Core.
Our base classes to manage viewModels.
A library to access the Logicdrop Sparks API