Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

LazyMemoryCache provides support for lazy in-memory caching.
Refit clients and contract classes for the Lykke high-frequency trading API. Clients can be generated using the default Refit RestService or using the Lykke.HttpClientGenerator nuget package.
System.Waf is a lightweight framework that helps you to create well-structured XAML applications. This core package can be used in various application types.
Facebook Messenger client library for C#
Provides resources for Octopus Client extensions.
Models, messaging services and extensions for a Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity MVC web app
The extensions for EntityFrameworkCore which automate the ModelBuilder registration for Relational Database
Предоставляет набор стандартного функционала. Среди основных возможностей: 1) Выполнение инициализирующих действий при загрузке библиотеки TraceCore (См. описание TraceCore.Startup.StartupFactory); 2) Реализация self-generic синглтона (TraceCore.Factory.SingletonBase), фабрики провайдеро...
The extensions methods for .Net developments. - Attribute extensions - Collection extensions - Property extensions - String extensions - Type extensions - DateTime exntensions - Enum extensions - Expression extensions
A library for creating event-driven micro-services that centers around a micro-service processor that can handle commands, events and queries. Given its design, it also lends itself quite nicely to apply patterns such as CQRS and Domain-Driven Design.
NLog.AspNetCore.TargetGelf for GrayLog
A class library containing the models required for transmitting data for use with Login with SelfKey.
Algorithms used to persist object state - shared resources
Common extensions and utilities
ExcelMutator for EPPlus can be used to import/export strongly typed data structures using .xlsx files declaratively.
Package Description
Magicodes.WeChat.MiniProgram为湖南心莱信息科技有限公司基于微信业务封装的小程序工具包,以便更便捷更简单的调用和使用小程序接口,以更好地和自己的业务结合,基于.NET 标准库2.0,支持.NET Core。\n官方网址: \n开源库地址: \n博客地址: \n交流QQ群(.NET 技术交流群):85318032 \n小店地址: