Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Contains components for hosting endpoints in ASP.NET Core and Kestrel.
Client library for Cashless API (CAPI) for SchoolMoney and WisePay
Epicor CPQ REST API client
Object to CSV Markdown
Data annotations, database utilities, and utility types for the Mvc Controls Toolkit that do not depend on core.
zxm.Dapper is an extensions to intergration with dapper-dot-net and MicroOrm.Dapper.Repositories.
NullDesk Mailer Extensions base classes and abstractions for email messaging services
A very simple, yet incredibly powerfull library to generate Excel documents out of objects, arrays, lists, collections, etc.
Utilidad para exportar a excel desde un IEnumerable tipado. Permite (entre otras cosas): - Trabajar con multiples hojas. - Específicar las columnas a mostrar y darles formato. - Dar formatos condicionales a las filas en base a los valores de los elementos del enumerado. ...
The package Provides a solution for the UnitOfWork patterns together with inversition of control. It is the core abstractions, interfaces and core classes that can be used for any ORM. On the project site there are examples of Autofact, Castle.Windsor, Ninject, Simpleinjector, StructureMap, a...
Isop is a library to help simplify and structure command line apps.
CentraSharp is a C# and .NET library that helps developers easily authenticate with and manage Centra stores.
The core modules required to build CloudCore-based system.