Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Serilog

Total dependencies: 1928

Jal.HttpClient library integration with Serilog
Logger integration (Serilog) for the Jal.Aop.Aspects library
Processes a UK rail timetable file in the CIF format. Works with both RDG and Network Rail versions of the file.
Common types used across Photomechanics projects.
Push TraceIdentifiers to Serilog LogContext
Asynchronous TCP C# library for server applications.
Serilog enricher to add the OpenTracing TraceId and SpanId
A Serilog sink that writes events to Raygun using the MindscapeHQ AspNetCore library
Scheduler service SDK
Scheduler service
Serilog implementation for LogFramework's ILogger and ILoggerFactory abstractions.
Package Description
An event source stack based on NEventStore and Akka
Various extensions and helpers for GreenPipes.
Common.Logging library bindings for Serilog 1.5.14 logging framework.
Package Description
Contains a generalize implementation for handling complex configuration/settings within an application. Based off the design of Serilog
Automatic trace logging through Serilog that is instrumented by Unity.Interception.