Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Serilog

Total dependencies: 1928

Package Description
Collection of useful serilog enrichers as well as a quick way to configure Seq with the enrichers
Code Generation Description Language (CGDL) command line tool.
Publishes logs from an application instance in a standard way to a mongo db instance where they are consumed by the hunter ui. Its part of the hunter centralized logging platform.
Provides integration of Serilog into AppCore .NET
A tool to copy database using efcore
Caching sink for serilog
Client for Fabric.Databus
This is common code in DocWorks CMS Application
Cortside.Common.BootStrap Class Library
A Serilog sink that writes events to Graylog synchroniously or asynchroniously, utilizing different transports that also works with .NET Core
Package Description
Package Description
Standard framework for the kintohub platform
Allows to configure log level of an Serilog.ILogger at runtime.
Package Description
Software Pioniere Fx EventStore Test Harness
AWS Simple Notification Service sink for Serilog. Uses .NET Core specific configuration objects from AWS SDK.