Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection

Total dependencies: 4231

A nuget utility shared for robots made by BIP
Olive Framework
Core elements to enable Event Sourcing paradigms
Stars is a set of services for working with Spatio Temporal Catalog such as STAC but not only
Sitko.Core is a set of libraries to help build .NET Core applications fast
Nuget package for common helpers and enums
A client for manage the free open source home automations software Home Assisstant written in .net core 3. Please see for docs.
A wrapper around the BFS API described at with additional documentation for Bricknode Financial Systems.
C# API client for interacting with the Gotenberg v7 & v8 micro-service's API, a docker-powered stateless API for converting & merging HTML, Markdown and Office documents to PDF. The client supports a configurable Polly retry policy with exponential back-off for handling transient exceptions.
A .NET 6+ library that integrates GraphQL and Entity Framework Core with minimal effort
微信公众账号 - Memcached 模块 Senparc.CO2NET SDK 开源项目:
A dapper extension library. Support MySQL,SQL Server,PostgreSQL,SQLite,Oracle and ODBC, Support cache.
Authentication Classes for StandardDot
Star Wars Combine Discord Bot
Command-Line Auto Parser
The package deserialise json and trown an exception it any of field is not filled.
Wyam is a simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator. This library provides support for rendering Razor content.
A lightweight AOP framework built on .NET Dependency Injection and Roslyn based code generation.
MemStache A Flexible, Powerful Cache Library with these features - the NewtonSoft library to serialize the data, - built-in data-compression - the Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection API to encrypt the data in-memory - Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory API to provid...
This is an UNOFFICIAL package and is in no way associated or supported by Daybreak Games Company. Please see the project page for documentation.