Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net

Total dependencies: 3011

The single player version of Latipium
The test objects for Latipium
Master NuGet Plugin can be used to quickly add Real-Time Personalization (+RTP) to your app. It contains a customizable, end-to-end plug-n-play solution that quickly adds all necessary code (OAuth2, File Selector and App Chain coding) to your app.
The library provides support for DEXS FileTransfer Tools
The library provides support for DEXS FileTransfer Tools
An examine indexer that uses Apache TIKA
LogHelper of Cosmokey. Example:Log4netHelper
Log4Net provider for Net.Core logging system
Complements the Spark.Engine library with additional features such as a FHIR service interface and service handling
Contains the necessary classes to create a FHIR server. Both the setup classes and FHIR controller is here.
Allows you to filter log4net messages with fuzzy string logic
Firebase cloud messaging for .NET
Appson Common libraries for .NET is a set of utilities and extensions that are used frequently in different projects.
Appson Common libraries for .NET is a set of utilities and extensions that are used frequently in different projects.
This enables compatibility between ErrorUnit and log4net
JMessage API client library for CSharp