Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net

Total dependencies: 3011

Implementation for log4net
A metaheuristics software framework for .NET
The Log4Net MessageEncryptor tool lets you encrypt log messages whilst keeping the log meta data (timestamp, level etc.) in plaintext. The encryption used is a standard symmetric key encryption algorithm (Rijndael) to securely lock away any sensitive information present within the log messages.
Small library for currying, uncurrying and partial-apply.
Enferno Azure Management Library wrapper.
Log4Net appender to Quilt4Net. Assure quality in .net systems.
NEasyMessaging WebApiIntegration
This is a simple log4net async appender to maximize throughput of the application logger
A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
NB: For use with log4net version 1.2.10 only. The Log4Net MessageEncryptor tool lets you encrypt log messages whilst keeping the log meta data (timestamp, level etc.) in plaintext. The encryption used is a standard symmetric key encryption algorithm (Rijndael) to securely lock away any sensitiv...
NB: For use with log4net version 2.0.0 only. The Log4Net MessageEncryptor tool lets you encrypt log messages whilst keeping the log meta data (timestamp, level etc.) in plaintext. The encryption used is a standard symmetric key encryption algorithm (Rijndael) to securely lock away any sensitive...
NB: For use with log4net version 2.0.1 only. The Log4Net MessageEncryptor tool lets you encrypt log messages whilst keeping the log meta data (timestamp, level etc.) in plaintext. The encryption used is a standard symmetric key encryption algorithm (Rijndael) to securely lock away any sensitive...
NB: For use with log4net version 2.0.2 only. The Log4Net MessageEncryptor tool lets you encrypt log messages whilst keeping the log meta data (timestamp, level etc.) in plaintext. The encryption used is a standard symmetric key encryption algorithm (Rijndael) to securely lock away any sensitive...
NB: For use with log4net version 2.0.3 only. The Log4Net MessageEncryptor tool lets you encrypt log messages whilst keeping the log meta data (timestamp, level etc.) in plaintext. The encryption used is a standard symmetric key encryption algorithm (Rijndael) to securely lock away any sensitive...
A log4net appender for LiteDB (
Permission module for A.Core framework
Our approach to Atomic Design principles in Umbraco. See readme for usage details (
Supports netcore standard2.0
Adds Logging adapters for Alog4net when using the common Core Functionality.