Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net

Total dependencies: 3011

A project for interacting with Flexera webservices using C#.
This is shared library for Bing.Localization.SharedAPI
Implements Web API Semantic Versioning, selecting projects at or below the request version, with a default to 1.0.0.
This assembly is an extension to Log4Net to allow the logging in the Configuration Manager CMTrace format.
A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
This is a duplication of MasterCard-Core, but has compatibility to .NET Core.
Socket Appender (Logstash, Tcp, Udp vs.) For log4net
Async module for Log4Net. Fundamental if you want to have logs with WebAPI. Send your comment, idea or bug on
The default graphics implementation for Latipium
The default i/o implementation for Latipium
The default physics implementation for Latipium
The default player implementation for Latipium
The default singleplayer implementation for Latipium
The default world implementation for Latipium
The security code for Latipium