Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net

Total dependencies: 3011

Additional Async Appenders for Log4Net
Acrolinx .NET SDK for Sidebar Integration
Kraken is a battle tested library for developing SharePoint applications that's been around since before 2010 and is used in many projects. \ This package includes libraries for .NET development that fall outside the scope of SharePoint itself. Both partial-trust and full-trust libraries ...
Lynicon CMS core for ASP.Net MVC with ASP.Net Identity.
Uvendia is an E-commerce component that runs on Umbraco 8.
Lanymy.Common-alpha 通用辅助类库. 序列化 ; 压缩 ; 数据流加密 ; 文件操作 ; 枚举扩展 ; 沙盒操作 ; 进程 ; 二维码 ; 反射 ; 版本 ; 流水号 ; 验证码 ; CMD命令行操作器 ; ffmpeg辅助类 ; 目前版本还在测试阶段,还不够稳定.
Axle framework's logging integration with popular log4net library
Package Description
Telemetry events datatypes and functionality for AWS Toolkits
v6.0.0.0 .net 6 v. 消息队列订阅是抛出异常 v3.0.5.46 增加获取授权文件有效期方法 v3.0.5.45 增加授权文件解析类 v3.0.5.44 扩展mysql支持 v3.0.5.43 增加调用webServiceSOAP方法 v3.0.5.41 & 42 修改日志生成到队列发送用户名控制器、方法名称 v3.0.5.39 & 40 1.修改读取日志消息队列配置,设置到app.json文件中 v3.0.5.38 1.修改所有配置读取,全部读取app.json文件 2.修改数据查询时访问统计SQL信息 v3.0.5.36 删除日志调用堆栈信息 v3.0.5...
Package Description
Smart.Web 使用方法: (在Global.asax.cs文件Application_Start方法添加如下代码) //全局封装webapi的返回结果如:{"Code":500,"Data":null,"Message":"尝试除以零。","Success":false} GlobalConfiguration.Configure(Smart.Web.SmartWeb.InitAPIResultAttribute); //全局异常处理 GlobalConfiguration.Configure(Smart.Web.SmartWeb.InitApiExceptionHand...
A lightweight and high-performance Object/Relational Mapping(ORM) library.
SQL Extent
Package Description
Simple log4net appender which logs to the API from your WebApi application.
Simple log4net appender which logs to the API from your MVC application.