Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net
Total dependencies: 3011
Aperea.Bootstrap is a small opinionated bootstrapper for Applications, it uses StructureMap und the CommonServiceLocator for IoC
Log4net Appender for Azure Event Hub
Lightweight web application framework
RollbarSharp log4net appender.
This package provides an easy way to use PromisePay API
Unified support for Serial, TCP/IP, UDP, SSH ports
Puts a frame work around windows workflow to accept declared events and routes them to event listners that are Workflows. All while orchestating it via queues for resilience and capacity.
Contains wrapper and helper classes that stream line using Windows Workflow 4.5. They assist in database persistance when the workflow needs to persist as was as helping during reconstituting after an application shut down.
Transfer all your logs to the Azure Table or Blob Storage via Appender for log4net
Custom log4Net Appender to send logs to Loggly
Wrapper to log4net to provide demystified exceptions in messages
Unit test data population tool.
Custom log4net Appender to send logs to Loggly
Log4Net appender for Azure Log Analytics (ALA)... sending data to Azure Log Analytics with the HTTP Data Collector API. The data will also be logged/sent asynchronously for high performance and to avoid blocking the caller thread.
SAP CrystalReports Web
This package builds on the Umbrella.Extensions.Logging.Azure package by writing log messages to Azure Table Storage.
Original project -
This version is compiled against .NET Standard 2.0
.Net Standard 2.0 compatible Log4Net appenders
Package Description