Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on WebActivatorEx

Total dependencies: 395

MvcKickstart module used to add an analytics widget to the admin dashboard.
Adds the latest version of structuremap and configures it as the default Dependency Resolver for ASP.NET MVC5. Does not work with 'ApiControllers', please add the Structuremap.WebAPI2 package if you need WebAPI support.
Custom RazorViewEnginge and Build-Task for gfoidl.Translator
Assign Ninject to the BoC IOC abstraction layer
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. This library contains the core classes which facilitate all other SuperScript modules but which won't produce any meaningful output on its own.
Handles activation and registration of view building components at Mvc App start up
Unity is a lightweight extensible dependency injection container. This package is a Unity bootstrapper for ASP.NET MVC. VB.NET
Assign Microsoft unity to the BoC IOC abstraction layer
ComBoost.Mvc is Wodsoft's entity repository technology for mvc applications.
ComBoost.Mvc is Wodsoft's entity repository technology using Unity for mvc applications.
Generic admin panel for ASP.NET MVC. For use with Unity.
Generic admin panel for ASP.NET MVC. For use with Ninject.
A aws sqs implementation of a sms message sender and receiver.
Provides a way to seamlessly add NAME to a WebApi project.
Our.Shield.Core is the Framework for Our.Shield Security package for the Umbraco Cms
.NET Reporting