Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on WebActivatorEx

Total dependencies: 395

Helps with config... e.g config["api_endpoint"].ToUri(); config.Optional("ap_timeout", 30).ToInt(); config.Required("temp_dir") .ToDirectoryInfo() .MustExist(); It can also read a list of settings from a text and then replace those values e.g. ...
Configure MVC Routes in the Web.config
Spark View Engine for ASP.NET MVC.
MvcAuthorization is a configuration based authorization library for ASP.NET MVC. The original concept, description, and examples can be found at
Converts a collection of images into a single sprite for efficient display as thumbnails for use in web applications.
JavaScript URL routing for ASP.NET MVC. Allows you to use your ASP.NET MVC routes from JavaScript. Please refer to project site ( for more details, usage examples and sample code.
A VirtualPathProvider for ASP.NET MVC4 that allows for usage of embedded resources as virtual files. Virtual directory structure is based on namespaces. Razor views and Web.config are supported.
Embed information on this deployment into the application
Embed information on this deployment (including source control information) into the application. This works for any version of mvc post 4.0
This project is a derivative of the MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC5. This is the main package that contains the full installation of the enhanced MvcSiteMapProvider using its internal DI container. Install this package into your MVC5 projects.
LZS package description.
Performance Monitor for ASP.NET MVC3 lets you diagnostic using attributes on your actions.
Performance Monitor for ASP.NET Web API lets you diagnostic using attributes on your API actions.
To setup a web framework to start working with, SPA and angularjs and common layout
A set of server-side and client-side formatting extensions used for formatting currencies and other values using the same .NET formatting rules.