Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on ThinkGeo MapSuite Gpx Layer
Total dependencies: 11
MapSuiteDesktopForWinForms is based on .NET Framework. This package allows you to add maps and perform GIS spatial operations within your Winforms application. It provides classes to work with most GIS data formats, display popups, allow spatial drawing, manage projections, perform spatial operation...
Please upgrade to version 12 (Search ThinkGeo.UI.WPF on Nuget) if possible. Version 12 supports both .NET Framework and .NET Core, it has much less dependencies, better memory optimization and many other benifits over 10.0, at the same time 80%+ APIs stay the same. Check out ThinkGeo website to get...
MapSuiteWebForWebForms is based on .NET Framework. This package allows you to add maps and perform GIS spatial operations within your WebForms application. It provides classes to work with most GIS data formats, display popups, allow spatial drawing, manage projections, perform spatial operation and...
MapSuiteWebForMvc is based on .NET Framework. This package allows you to add maps and perform GIS spatial operations within your MVC application. It provides classes to work with most GIS data formats, display popups, allow spatial drawing, manage projections, perform spatial operation and much more...
Please upgrade to version 12 (Search ThinkGeo.UI.Android on Nuget) if possible. Version 12 has much less dependencies and many other benifits over 10.0, at the same time 80%+ APIs stay the same. Check out ThinkGeo website to get more info.
MapSuiteMobileForAndroid is based on Xamarin.Android...
Please upgrade to version 12 (Search ThinkGeo.UI.iOS on Nuget) if possible. Version 12 has much less dependencies and many other benifits over 10.0, at the same time 80%+ APIs stay the same. Check out ThinkGeo website to get more info.
MapSuiteMobileForiOS is based on Xamarin.iOS. This packag...
Please upgrade to version 12 (Search ThinkGeo.UI.WebAPI on Nuget) if possible. Version 12 supports both .NET Framework and .NET Core, has much less dependencies and many other benifits over 10.0, at the same time 85%+ APIs stay the same. Check out ThinkGeo website to get more info.