Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe

Total dependencies: 826

Newtonsoft Json serializer for CachingFramework.Redis, a distributed caching based on StackExchange.Redis and Redis. Includes support for all redis data types, tagging mechanism, cache invalidation, PubSub, GeoSpatial indexes, HyperLogLog and is cluster-compatible.
This package includes a .NET Standard MVVM library with helpers such as: - ObservableObject: a base class for objects implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. - ObservableRecipient: a base class for observable objects with support for the IMessenger service. - ObservableV...
Library for interacting with systemd.
Puts a frame work around windows workflow to accept declared events and routes them to event listners that are Workflows. All while orchestating it via queues for resilience and capacity.
Indexed collection like usual List<T>, but with less allocations. Enables reusing instances of inner array via ArrayPool<T>.Shared. Provides ToRist() extension method which perfectly replaces conventional ToList() for materializing LINQ queries. MoveToArray() method releases ownership of internal bu...
.NET Bindings for the Point Cloud Library
Http codec for DotNetty
FASTER is a fast concurrent persistent log and key-value store with cache for larger-than-memory data.
WPF DataGrid
.Net library to read .Net Assembly and Windows WinMD metadata files, based on System.Reflection.Metadata
Package Description
Many classes to make your life easier
Facturen en leveringen multipharma
C# Battle Card Game Framework
Facturen en leveringen externe leveranciers
Infrastructure layer for REZA