Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe

Total dependencies: 826

Based on MS code for adding Unity based DI for Asp.Net WebForms.
Contains various parser optimized for speed and no allocation. This package was built from the source at
Provides an XAudio2 implementation for Wave Engine audio subsystem
Provides Vulkan rendering implementation for Wave Engine
Wave Engine's OpenGL and OpenGL ES implementation
Provides an OpenAL implementation for Wave Engine audio subsystem
Provides Metal rendering implementation for Wave Engine
Package Description
SeeingSharp is a 3D/2D rendering library for C# powered by Direct3D. It is meant for desktop applications (Win.Forms, Wpf) or Windows Store Apps
The Sqreen in app agent for .NET. Defense in depth for OWASP Top-10 attacks that’s easy to install, manage and scale.
RemoteViewing is a .NET-native VNC client and server library. It supports Raw, Hextile, Copyrect, and Zlib encodings.
Kraken is a set of open source libraries for SharePoint development. The package includes code for writing provider hosted apps, including CSOM utilities.
C# Bindings for the Vulkan API
The VL core library.
.NET bindings for the Intel MKL library.
A fast and light-weight implementation of the observer pattern that supports synchronous and asynchronous invocation and/or subscribers. A potential replacement for regular .NET events.
Optimized implementations of the BLAKE2b and BLAKE2s cryptographic hashing algorithms. Uses SSE2-SSE4.1 Hardware Intrinsics support on .NET Core 2.1+ and AVX2 on .NET Core 3+
.NET implementation for thingM blink(1)
A fast and memory efficient binary serialization library, powered by dynamic IL generation and inspired by MessagePack
Class library for accelerating Xamarin.iOS development.