Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.Emit

Total dependencies: 984

Simple, fast, and secure micro ORM for .NET.
JetBrains Platform Core Shell Package Version 231.0.20240313.112835
Base classes and helpers for building your own modules for Intent Architect.
AutoConfig is an automagical, convention-based, customisable, extensible library for mapping configuration files to POCO C# objects/interfaces with the absolute minimum of code.
A base repostitory implementation to be used in message-drive, CQRS-based architectures
This NCache SDK NuGet package is a complete package for using NCache Professional for .NET Framework and .NET Core applications.
SciterCore package for .Net applications
forked from neuecc/Utf8Json. Thanks to Mr. neuecc for the greate project allow string convert to number and revert.
Pacchetto base ecosistema Businness.Data.Objects. Contiene ORM, BO e classe di orchestrazione.
SciterCore package for .Net Standard/Core applications
TinyMapper - a tiny and quick object mapper for .Net.
Powerful .NET library for benchmarking
Useful generic collection types. Includes complex dictionaries, priority queues, blocking queues, buffer arrays, etc
A simple and efficient agent framework based on emit.
Cosmos Conversions extension library
Hisoka is a framework agnostic tool to execute dynamic paginating, filtering and sorting with IQueryable types