Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.Emit

Total dependencies: 984

A fast, easy to use and lightweight IOC container
ServiceWire is a very fast and light weight service host and dynamic client library that simplifies the development and use of high performance remote procedure call (RPC) communication between .NET processes over Named Pipes or TCP/IP. And with the release of 2.0.0, ServiceWire now supports optiona...
Starting with version (2020 Volume 1 beta), Syncfusion Blazor is changing its namespace, component names, and NuGet package name. Please refer to this help topic ( for more informa...
Silk.NET is a high-speed, advanced library, providing bindings to popular low-level APIs such as OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, and DirectX.
.NET bindings for RocksDB, including the matching native libraries for Linux, Windows and macOS.
Chinchilla is a little library to help make RabbitMq easier to use.
.Net Enterprise Micro-ORM
Tmds.DBus Library
High performance Redis client, incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous usage.
JetBrains Platform RdProtocol Package Version 231.0.20240313.113341
JetBrains Psi Features SolutionBuilder Package Version 231.0.20240313.114247
JetBrains dotCover Core Package Version 212.0.20210603.141257-eap02
JetBrains Platform Core Text Package Version 231.0.20240313.113341
Light-weight actor and state machine framework. Ideal for robotics, machine control, network communication, and more.
SimpleConfig allow applications to use configurations values from any data store in the type of interfaces, thus decouples the frameworks from your appliaction and allowing application to inject interfaces and nothing else. This framework should be used instead of .Net Core IOptions<T>.
JetBrains Psi Features Cpp Src Core Package Version 231.0.20240313.121748
Yet another simple and powerful micro ORM for .NET
ZYSQL is ADO.NET Development
Distributed Resources Platform
JetBrains Psi Features UIInteractive LiveTemplates Package Version 231.0.20240313.114247