Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight

Total dependencies: 750

The Xamarin Community Toolkit is a collection of Animations, Behaviors, Converters, and Effects for mobile development with Xamarin.Forms. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks building iOS, Android, and UWP apps with Xamarin.Forms.
A Tiny ORMish thing for your POCO's.
Instrumentation library for Datadog APM.
Entity Framework Classic is an EF6 fork with performance enhancement, new features, and .NET Core support. This package is FREE (Community Version) Some features are Prime (Enterprise Version) Prime features can be disabled with "EntityFrameworkManager.IsCommunity = true;"
Exposes all the Elasticsearch API endpoints but leaves you in control of building the request and response bodies. Comes with built in cluster failover/connection pooling support.
An ETL framework for .NET
FastExpressionCompiler is 10-40x times faster than Expression.Compile()
A lightweight, fast, convenient micro-ORM that allows you to get objects in and out of your database with the most control and least overhead.
NHibernate is a mature, open source object-relational mapper for the .NET framework. It is actively developed, fully featured and used in thousands of successful projects.
.NET's fastest JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers. Fast, Light, Resilient. Contains ServiceStack's high-performance text-processing powers, for more info see:
Extensions for System.Threading.Tasks Includes extension methods to safely fire-and-forget a Task and/or a ValueTask Includes WeakEventManger which avoids memory leaks when events are not unsubscribed
High performance Redis client, incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous usage.
OpenTelemetry .NET SDK
.NET's fastest JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers. Fast, Light, Resilient. Contains ServiceStack's high-performance text-processing powers, for more info see:
Provides simple access to fast and efficient "Protocol Buffers" serialization from .NET applications
DryIoc is fast, small, full-featured IoC Container for .NET
Extremely Fast MessagePack(MsgPack) Serializer for C# (.NET Framework, .NET 6, Unity, Xamarin).
Common interfaces and classes used by all FHIR .NET assemblies
Common library for the Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO, OrmLite. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs. OrmLite is a suite extension methods on ADO.NET's underlying IDbConne...
Build, version, and monitor better microservices with the most powerful service platform for .NET