Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Linq.Expressions

Total dependencies: 405

Contains dlls WorkflowEngine.NET Nexmo Plugin
Data Conveyer is a lightweight transformation engine to facilitate real-time data migrations.
Account login and management framework based on ASP.NET identity.
This package contains extensions to the Microsoft Visual Studio Team Test unit testing framework. Features include alternatives to ExpectedExceptionAttribute and a fully extensible assertion application programming interface.
Provides NodaTime support for the RavenDB Client.
Provides classes and interfaces that support the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR). Commonly Used Types: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite<T> System.Dynamic.IDynamicMetaObjectProvider System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject System.Dynamic.SetMemberBinder System...
Provides classes for querying data structures that implement IQueryable<T>. Commonly Used Types: System.Linq.Queryable System.Linq.EnumerableQuery<T> System.Linq.EnumerableQuery When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version 3.4.
Authentication library for the veracity services sdk for mvc5
A declarative serialization framework for controlling formatting of data using field bindings.
The module required to run CloudCore-based work-flow and scheduled tasks.
Trill is a high-performance one-pass in-memory streaming analytics engine
Relatude Headless CMS and E-commerce solution
Data transfer objects for TouchConvert version one APIs.
Data transfer objects for TouchConvert version two APIs.
Provides abstractions for managing data: retrieval, persistence, query. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - IDataSpace, IDataContext. - Capabilities: IEntityEntry, EntityEntry. - Conversion: IDataConversionService, IDataConverter, D...
BumperLane Core API functionality
Wlniao XCore for CoreCLR Framework
Provides a set of packages that can be used when building portable libraries on .NETCore based platforms. \r\n TFS ID: 1599443, GitHub SHA:
A Dapper extension that was inspired by Dapper.SimpleCRUD, Dapper-Plus, and more.
Entity Framework Core for NCache lets you use NCache as a cache for Entity Framework Core using extension methods. NCache is an extremely fast and scalable in-memory distributed cache that removes performance bottlenecks related to data storage and databases.Note:This integration is supported with E...