Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Linq.Expressions

Total dependencies: 405

The F# Compiler Services package for F# 8.0 exposes additional functionality for implementing F# language bindings, additional tools based on the compiler or refactoring tools. The package also includes F# interactive service that can be used for embedding F# scripting into your applications. Conta...
DbUp makes it easy to deploy and upgrade SQL Server databases by running change scripts. This is the core library and should be used in conjunction with the database specific package (eg dbup-sqlserver, dbup-mysql)
Remote Linq is a small and easy to use - yet very powerful - library to translate linq expression trees to strongly typed, serializable object trees and vice versa. It provides functionality to send arbitrary linq queries to a remote service to be applied and executed against any enumerable or query...
A set of standard .NET APIs that are prescribed to be used and supported together. 18a36291e48808fa7ef2d00a764ceb1ec95645a5 When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version 3.4.
LinqKit.Core contains extensions for LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework. Note that Include(...), IAsync and IDbAsync are not supported.
An easy to use and high-performance library for CSV parsing.
This package is the base library for Syncfusion components in ASP.NET Core (Essential JS 1) platform. It contains Tag Helpers and strongly typed extension that allows creating Syncfusion components in ASP.NET Core application. Learn More
Embed Abe AI inside your mobile app. Abe AI creates relevant, convenient, and proactive conversational banking experiences in all voice & messaging channels.
Extends Swashbuckle with OData v4 support! Supports both WebApi and OData controllers!
MessagePack is fast, compact, and interoperable binary serialization format. This package provides MessagePack serialization/deserialization APIs. This pacakge also supports Mono, Xamarin, .NET Core and Unity.
re-linq Frontend: A foundation for parsing LINQ expression trees and generating queries in SQL or other languages. Key features: - Transforms expression trees into abstract syntax trees resemblying LINQ query expressions (from ... select syntax) - Simplifies many aspects of this tree (sub queries, t...
Async-friendly format for stack traces and exceptions (not needed in .NET 6+)
Framework for BumperLane API sites
Allows LINQ providers based on re-linq Frontend to support eager fetching.
Assent is a simple assertion library for long strings. By default it uses common diff tools to report on and resolve test failures.
This package contains classes, interfaces, controls and utility for support media like video, pdf and images in the app. It depends on Fluker
This package contains support to custom integrations of the system Map platform. It depends on Fluker.Base
This package contains common classes and interfaces that are used in other Fluker controls.
This package contains classes, interfaces, controls and utility for integrate a shop system like cart and payments with credit card in the app. It depends on Fluker.
This package contains classes, interfaces, controls and utility for support Users (Login, Registrarion) through email in the app. It depends on Fluker