Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Interactive.Async

Total dependencies: 157

A library to simplify mapping of cypher results onto your models
A library to simplify mapping of cypher results onto your models
Provides authentication, user management and sessions features to a Stormancer server application.
Provides P2P and client/server gamesession features to a Stormancer server application.
Fast data mapper from IDataReader to any custom type object. IAsyncEnumerable support.
This library could implement Moebooru APIs and wraps them. Currently only use and design for another project name Wbooru.
The inter-process Optimization API
Based .NET Standard on common static extension package.
A library to simplify mapping of cypher results onto your models
A complete wrapper around the Gfycat API
Simple EntityFramework testing library for FakeItEasy
gRPC library compatible with .NET Core. Currently, the Grpc.Core NuGet package doesn't support .NET Core. This package supplies a version which runs on .NET Core that is experimental and in-development.
A robust service hosting framework for building Windows services using Microsoft .NET Framework.
Exposes a generic extension method to IQueryable<T> and IDbAsyncQueryProvider<T> that allows interception of expression trees with expression visitors.
Library for easy sorting, filtering and paging data with WebAPI and Entity Framework LinQ to SQL