Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Interactive.Async

Total dependencies: 157

Package Description
Package Description
A collection of useful classes, extensions and tools written in C# to aid in a wide variety of development. With components for ASP Net MVC, Winform and Console applications. Integrations for Google, AD and SQL and pre-written implementations / helpers for a variety of tasks... Just Because.
Data types needed for communicating with ActyxOS and C# bindings for the ActyxOS APIs.
A lightweight library written in C# .NET Standard, that automatically handles paginating collections of objects in .NET code.
The core components for the Discord.Net library.
The core components for the Discord.Net library.
Port of CrustyJew/RedditSharp to .net standard with proper bindings for nuget
SDK to access the Vendasta listing service.
A lightweight, micro-ORM for Sqlite providing database services for cross-platform mobile apps built using Xamarin.
Simple yet useful .net etcd v3 grpc client
C# SDK for interacting with the Token System
CQELight is a framework that provides tooling layer for helping developpers to get started with Domain Driven Design, Command Query Responsability Segregation and Event Sourcing. It provides abstraction upon major concepts and allow you to create your custom implementation with your tools.
Zero is a general purpose DDD framework specially designed for new modern web applications.
Implements text based linq queries to IQueryable interface.
Utilities for working with async enumerables.
Distributed Resources Platform