Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Data.SqlClient
Total dependencies: 2490
Peachpie PHP language MsSql library functions.
Integrate with Azure DevOps Server 2022 and Azure DevOps Services from desktop-based, ASP.NET, and other Windows applications. Provides access to shared platform services such as account, profile, identity, security, and more via public REST APIs.
Simple database wrapper for SQL Server written in C# supporting dynamic query building and nesting using expressions. Refer to other DatabaseWrapper packages for support for MySQL, Sqlite, and PostgreSQL.
A suite of convention specifications for enforcing type conventions in your codebase
Dapper integration for Stove.
CoreSync is a .NET standard library that provides data synchronization functions between databases. This is the Sql Server provider assembly.
The PPWCode Vernacular NHibernate SQLServer library version II.
Add MSSQL container specific functionality.
CatFactory package for SQL Server
Site24x7 APM Insight's .NET Core Agent supports tracking requests, errors, external calls and exceptions in the .NET Core applications hosted on Windows and Linux environments.
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EasyQuery DbGate class for MySQL
NHibernate.Spatial is a library of spatial extensions for NHibernate, and allows you to connect NHibernate to a spatially-enabled database and manipulate geometries in .NET code using NetTopologySuite, providing you with a fully integrated GIS programming experience.
Runtime for hosting PowerShell
Syncfusion Bold Reports for WPF is a .NET Report Viewer control and Report Writer library package that enable viewing and exporting SSRS RDL and RDLC reports within a .NET application.
Key features:
• Report viewer can render RDL reports published on SQL Server Reporting Services server.
ActiveReports is a set of assemblies that enable you to create, render, print, and export reports in a .NET or .NET Core application. This package includes the core engine assemblies required to create and render pixel perfect, WYSIWYG, reports.
A hybrid .NET ORM library for SQL Server.
The engine is a part of the reporting tool that renders reports from getting data from the source, building bands, calculating aggregate functions, charting, applying styles, conditions, filtering, sorting, and more. Also, the report engine has algorithms for exporting reports to various formats suc...
Data access API
Represents a connection to MS SQL database for FastReport.OpenSource
This package will not be updated. The FastReport.Data.MsSql package now includes a connector for all versions of the FastReport product: FastReport .NET, FastReport.Core, FastReport.OpenSource, FastReport.CoreWin (.Net Core 3.1 an...