Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Data.SqlClient

Total dependencies: 2490

Charting library
NetModular data implement for SqlServer
ActiveReports PDF export library
ActiveReports image export library
ActiveReports rendering with GDI+ implementation
ActiveReports rendering with GcDocs implementation
A Fast and rich SQL based ORM that does not uses LINQ expressions for sake of readability and performance for NetCore, NetFramework & NetStandard
Required by Prefix and Stackify Retrace APM to track the performance of ASP.NET Core applications
Sql-based implementation of IIdempotenceService interface for use with Shuttle.Esb.
LinqConnect is a fast, lightweight, and easy to use LINQ to SQL compatible ORM solution, supporting SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. It allows you to use efficient and powerful data access for your .NET Framework, or .NET Core applications supporting Code-First, Model-First, Databa...
SQLHelper is a simple class to help with databases.
App Metrics SQL health checks.
Kode-Aid shared SQL client data library.
EFCore data storage for cloudscribe Membership Paywall using Microsoft SqlServer
This is the SQL Server driver for TranceSQL. TranceSQL provides an easy to use, high performance data access interface for SQL databases. It is minimally abstract compared to ORMs such as Entity Framework. When using TranceSQL, queries are constructing using a structured API that closely resembles ...
基于 Dapper 及 SqlKata 的通用数据库操作库,支持MySQL、SQLServer、PostgreSql、达梦、人大金仓以及 Sqlite 等多种数据库类型。
SmartSql = MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis) + ZooKeeper + R/W Splitting +Dynamic Repository ....
ActiveReports Word export library
ActiveReports SVG export library
.NET5 To Linq2db ORM