Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

C# .NET Standard Rest API for comdirect
Package Description
This assembly is a catch all utility assembly. It exists because the different utilities within are not big enough to have its own assembly.
Updated BSM
Package Description
.NET library created for facilitating various pre-operational functional tests such as pinging a particular IP Address and then checking the result (test results are 'Pass' or 'Fail'). Other tests: Check to see if a database exists by checking the ability to connect and disconnect, check to see if a...
Package Description
A library generated from a Swagger doc
Library for connect to Digitex Futures Exchange
Data contract interfaces.
EsWork Libraries
Das ist ein NuGet Paket, weches als Grundlage für alle meine bestehenden und neuen Projekte dient. Es ist für andere, außer für mich, recht sinnlos.
FivePower.TimedJob是一个五次方软件基于.net core平台下的应用框架的定时计划操作类库。
A configuration system based on a hierarchy of XML files, the values of which are accessed using strongly-typed configuration objects. Supports modification of the files on live service, environment variable substitution, encryption and collections. Part of the Microdot framework.
This library is intended to hold some common items related to payroll processing, such as tax filing status or frequency.
Adds Linq support to any Data Access Objects supporting CRUD operations based on indentifiers.