Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

This project was created to provide an easy to use and configurable logging library. If the default configuration is sufficient for your needs the library can be used out of the box without further setup. However, if you have specific logging needs you can alter the library configuration settings...
Extends GraphQL.DotNet to allow configuring DTOs and Input fields from the datamodel with annotations.
Implements data model for incoming Mailgun events to use with your custom Mailgun webhooks. This library can be used as a data model for the deserialization of this data with any JSON serializer of your choice. It even provides a handy function to verify its cryptographic signature.
Celeste.Misc.Container For Age Of Empires Online Celeste Fan Project Visit Us: Age of Empires Online © Microsoft Corporation. Celeste Fan Project was created under Microsoft's Game Content Usage Rules using assets from Age of Empires Online, and it is not endorsed b...
Creates activities to record the screen
BRP Bevragen is een Haal Centraal API voor het zoeken en raadplegen van ingeschreven natuurlijke personen voor alle binnengemeentelijke afnemers in NL. De informatie die de API levert is herleidbaar naar het LO GBA 3.10.
Common helpers for our backend projects
Custom attributes for model validation
📊 HttpTracker - Http请求跟踪器
Custom controls for WPF: PropertyGrid, DataGrid, multi-select TreeView, ColorPicker and more
Package Description
SereneApi.Interfaces.PayPal adds DI support for PayPal and its supporting APIs and DTOs.
SmartThingsNet dotnet client SDK
SparksCoreType Library
Package Description
A library with some classes and extensions to make life easier
Collection of methods, classes and helpers to simplify recurring standard actions