Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Simple .NET/C# enumerations for FontAwesome icons marked with Display attributes. Can also parse FontAwesome .CSS files looking for new icons and generate C# class definitions from them.
Html To PDF
IDataBase is a database connection - driven base class
The core components to build .NET Core projects along with Genocs Library.
A .NET Standard implementation for the client of Entersoft Web API 2.5 or later Cloud Service.
A Micro MVVM Framework for WPF
Simple Query. ORM Very Easy to use. All CRUD operations. Dapper and ORM in the same place
a simple library for lambda expression to sql
Client for interaction with Evident Proof API
A part of my platform. A project for manage static objects in various cloud blob storages. Use this project for a sub-system to keep the static files in cheap blob storage and use CDN to public delivery. This is a nuget package project for entities only.
Cloudy CMS for .NET Core
A simple framework and libraries for common use
Yet Another Command Line Argument Parser. Offers simple and command based parsing approaches.
TuringConfig [TC] allows you to utilise your classes to create, load, save, and validate populated JSON configuration files.
Library containing interfaces for CQRS pattern
Common development primitives and useful tools
Maije brings a certain degree of "magic" to facilitate the development of ASP.NET Core projects.
Maije brings a certain degree of "magic" to facilitate the development of ASP.NET Core projects.
Maije brings a certain degree of "magic" to facilitate the development of ASP.NET Core projects.