Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Collections.Concurrent

Total dependencies: 387

Infinitely fast serializer for .NET, .NET Core and Unity.
AutoSitecore is a customization of AutoFixture for creating NSubstitute Sitecore Items.
A convenient .NET API for shelling out to other executables.
Efect is repository pattern implementation on top of Entity Framework.
Lightweight Semi-Automatic ORM
Data.HashFunction implementation of Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function ( (–Noll–Vo_hash_function).
SockJS websocket emulation for ASP.NET Core
RedBeanPHP-inspired data access layer
Xamarin library for creating and handling Notifications and things related to PUSH made with passion in Package provides Local (in-app) Notification Services for Android.
Implementation of ASP.NET 5 file provider abstractions for physical files.
A collection of useful utilities
Linq to Graphs
A SQLitePCL.raw plugin can be used to instruct SQLitePCL.raw to reference a different implementation of the native SQLite library than it normally would use. Install this package in your app project and call SQLite3Plugin.Init().
Library that makes the unique alias of types in .NET.