Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Buffers

Total dependencies: 700

ActiveReports rendering with GcDocs implementation
ActiveReports SVG export library
100% unit test code coverage: FastRandom, ConcurrentRandom (thread safe random), CryptoRandom (rng crypto grade random), ConcurrentCryptoRandom, Next-methods for datatypes: SByte, Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, short, int, long, string. This packet replaces Tedd.MoreRandom and Te...
.NET binding for the Chromium Embedded Framework (WPF control)
Durandal framework extensions for connecting to Redis as a service provider.
Durandal framework extensions for connecting to MySql as a service provider.
Durandal framework extensions for connecting to Azure service providers (AppInsights, CosmosDB, etc.)
wpf controls enhancements
Configuration file access classes
JT/T808 protocol,JT808 protocol, GB808 protocol(support 2011, 2013, 2019 version).JT/T808协议、JT808协议、GB808协议(支持2011、2013、2019版本)。
WebMarkupMin.AspNetCore1 contains one ASP.NET Core 1.X Middleware - `WebMarkupMinMiddleware`.
Microsoft's managed implementation of System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket tweaked for use on Windows 7 and .NET 4.5
A opinioned TCP client/server to transfer c# POCO objects for game development.
Redis backplane for MagicOnion.
全龄段友好的C#万能工具库,码数吐司库,不管你是菜鸟新手还是骨灰级玩家都能轻松上手,Masuit.Tools基础公共库(适用于.NET4.6.1/.NET Standard2.0及以上项目),包含一些常用的操作类,大都是静态类,加密解密,反射操作,Excel简单导出,权重随机筛选算法,分布式短id,表达式树,linq扩展,文件压缩,多线程下载和FTP客户端,硬件信息,字符串扩展方法,日期时间扩展操作,中国农历,大文件拷贝,图像裁剪,验证码,断点续传,集合扩展等常用封装。 官网教程: github:https...
WaterbutlerHelper is a part of the CoScInE group.
TWCore Framework. A multipurpose framework library for .net core
Uintra - An open source and lightweight framework for making an Extranet, Intranet or client portal based on Umbraco.
A nuget utility shared for robots made by BIP