Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Buffers
Total dependencies: 700
Giving Windows C# developers easy access to the ONNX AI Model Format for easy model conversions.
Database layer for Dox Objects
MirrorSharp testing helpers. MirrorSharp is a code editor <textarea> built on Roslyn — see for details.
Client connectivity bits, exposes a potentially cluster aware request pipeline that can be resilient to nodes dropping out of rotation.
This package is heavily optimized for the Elastic ( product suite and Elastic Cloud ( SAAS offering.
Fast, flexible, and version-tolerant serializer for .NET
Use Razor to build your templates from strings / files / EmbeddedResources outside of ASP.NET MVC for .NET Core
HTTP header parser implementations.
This package was built from the source code at
Provides classes which allow developer to model a game or app using a component-based architecture, as well as a default set of cross-platform services to connect every component of each target platform
B-Arts Framework Net
This package contains easy-to-use and high-performance libraries for data analysis and transformation.
Lib.Net.Http.EncryptedContentEncoding is a library which adds Encrypted Content-Encoding (aes128gcm) support to HttpClient
A cross-platform managed wrapper for ENet UDP Networking library.
A .NET wrapper for the Dear ImGui library.
JetBrains Platform Core Shell Package Version 233.0.20240606.110126
Plexus Interop is metadata-centric language-agnostic desktop app-to-app interoperability framework with extensible model for launching new instances of desktop Apps on demand.
Plexus Interop is metadata-centric language-agnostic desktop app-to-app interoperability framework with extensible model for launching new instances of desktop Apps on demand.
Plexus Interop is metadata-centric language-agnostic desktop app-to-app interoperability framework with extensible model for launching new instances of desktop Apps on demand.
AWS DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) .NET Client -- DAX is a fully managed, in-memory cache for DynamoDB.