Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Buffers

Total dependencies: 700

封装的 StackExchange.Redis
Added Unix Domain Socket support to Official MongoDB .NET Driver
Compiste web application development framework, application development infrastructure. SchuberFramework core class libraries.
SiteServer CMS
A ShareFile API client library for .NET
Spreads Core library
Customer Success Template - Customer Success Team
The VL core library.
Notakey Xamarin Sdk for Xamarin iOS and Android mobile application development
Optimized implementations of the BLAKE2b and BLAKE2s cryptographic hashing algorithms. Uses SSE2-SSE4.1 Hardware Intrinsics support on .NET Core 2.1+ and AVX2 on .NET Core 3+
A library for base64 encoding / decoding, as well as base64url support. For .NET Core 3.0 onwards encoding / decoding is done with SIMD-support.
Redis backplane for MagicOnion.
Common routines.
A simple library providing reusable MemoryStream implementation and IBufferWriter<byte> implementation. It is suitable for storing temporary byte stream.
Repository pattern implementation of MongoDB in .NET Framework
Provides Vulkan rendering implementation for Wave Engine
Wave Engine's OpenGL and OpenGL ES implementation
Provides an OpenAL implementation for Wave Engine audio subsystem
Provides Metal rendering implementation for Wave Engine