Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Simple Injector

Total dependencies: 347

Generic configurable components factory using SimpleInjector and Microsoft configuration.
Simple Injector implementation of Monument. Monument is a IoC container agnostic dependency injection registration engine that prioritizes using conventions on type-patterns over other registration methods.
HCI.IoC is a NuGet library to help you perform the inversion of control with Simple Injector easily automatically.
Adds SimpleInjector support to UnstableSort.Crudless. For documentation or support, head to the github page:
Dynamic Assembly Compilation plugin for Simple Injector.
Fluent extensions for SimpleInjector ( pull requests accepted)
Wrappers around simple injector that provide also interception facility using castle
3b5d844d-a87e-4b26-a607-68e88e2edd72 is a part of the development tools provided by ATOM, and is used to implement VPN access in .Net based applications. The package contains everything - from libraries to supporting files and drivers required to enable your app to connect to the internet through se...
Inversion of Control symplify using Simple Injector
Simple way to auto-register interfaces to their implementations with core default dependency injection.
Package Description
ASP.NET WebForms adapter for SimpleInjector and .NET Framework 4.7.2 introduction of dependency injection. Based on MIT licensed code for Unity adapter found at
Useful Classes yo use everywhere
SimpleInjector integration for AppFunc
SimpleInjector extensions for Hexagonal Architecture components registration
SimpleInjector integration for CoreApp