Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Simple Injector

Total dependencies: 347

LogoFX Client Bootstrapping Adapter for SimpleInjector containing an adapter for the SimpleInjector which is compatible with Caliburn.Micro.
LogoFX Client Mvvm ViewModelFactory SimpleInjector containing implementation of view model factory interface for SimpleInjector
SimpleInjector (IoC Container) implementation for MultiTenancyFramework
A base class library that handles dependency registrations, scheduled tasks, plugins, and a lot more.
ASP.NET Web API library part of Georadix.NET, a framework for building great .NET apps.
Yaaf.DependencyInjection.SimpleInjector is a implementation of Yaaf.DependencyInjection for SimpleInjector.
Assign SimpleInjector to the BoC IOC abstraction layer
Provides controls and types for Xamarin.Forms.
Set of extension methods for IFactory and SimpleInjector
Reactive Services library containing an abstract interface of a Message Bus client
An implementation of IExecutor and IExecutorAsync utilizing SimpleInjector as IoC container.
.NET standard Fluent Validation extensions
SimpleInjector extensions for Hexagonal Architecture application logic registration
Provides a reusable set of abstractions and classes for using the Microsoft Azure Mobile Client.