Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Simple Injector

Total dependencies: 347

SimpleInjector container integration for Xer.Cqrs.
Package containing SimpleInjector implemenation for Mondop.Abstrations
Utility Classes to speed up development
Adds FluentValidation support to Turner.Infrastructure.Crud. For documentation or support, head to the github page:
Turner.Infrastructure.Crud is intended to provide a package that complements the Turner Mediator by providing auto-generated request handlers for commonly-used (CRUD) requests. For documentation or support, head to the github page:
HarakaMQ UDPCOmmunication is the base module for communication in the HarakaMQ distributed and reliable message queue.
MediatR extensions for SimpleInjector
Components for IoC
Rocket.Chat.Api.Core wrapper for SimpleInjector use
Use Clizer to easily access your written services/commands via CLI. Documentation in README on Github.
DulcisX enables you to write VSIX extensions a lot faster, by providing new, cleaner and easier API's.
Fluent interface for making REST API calls to a Philips Hue Bridge. Almost all functionality has both synchronous and asynchronous support. This is a work in progress which currently supports the ability to set, toggle, and retrieve the current state of a light which currently includes whether the l...