Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Rx-Linq

Total dependencies: 119

An observable collection where items are removed when a lifetime paired with them ends. Affords projecting, filtering, and other functional-style usage by removing the need to equate removed items with previously added items.
A Nancy Router implementation for mmbot, a C# port of Github's Hubot chat bot
Provides a communication method that provides ways to send messages and commands to remote endpoints. There are also ways of receiving notifications from the same remote endpoints.
A library that removes most of the boilerplate code for listening to and visiting ANTLR4-generated parse trees on the CLR.
A set helpers and tools for the Microsoft Azure platform.
Use Rx additions with Property Framework. Consume sequences of property values and reload calls.
MVVM-Sidekick ============= MVVM密友 =================== A Modern light-weight MVVM framework based on RX and TPL await 轻量级MVVM框架,基于RX与 await等新技术 [微博] [twitter] [Mail] ...
An etcd client library for .Net
EasyActor.Pipeline is a lightweigth framework to create asynchroneous pipeline to transform information.
Netfox.Repository is a lightweight data management framework for MongoDB supporting document state tracking and simple memory object cache.
Yet another MVVM Framework.
Simple and lightweight networking (including RPC) for Universal Windows Platform apps
SmartReactives is a .NET library that will automatically discover dependencies between expressions and variables for you.
Types shared by Weingartner.Wpf.* projects
Build Cross-Device Cloud-Native Reactive Event Driven Micro Apps
A simple Windows 10 SDK for the Receipt Bank API
Reactive MVVM, allows for observable ViewModels which fire both PropertyChanged and IObservable. Used in conjuction with Rx.Main to allow you to observe off Viewmodel properties. Used in the SciChart WPF Examples Application, which demonstrates High Performance WPF Charts, available for download at ...