Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Polly

Total dependencies: 1077

Resilience library for Easify
Plus.Core 是一个基于 .NET Standard 的 C# 开发库,集成各种优秀框架到一个包内,方便开发使用。
Package Description
A transient fault helper for Rebus using RabbitMQ
DotNet port of
Helps to add Generic Repository and Unit of Work defaults for a service.
Apply systemwide resilience strategies consistently across subsystems, standing on Polly's shoulders
This package helps to generate client proxy for an api using the Refit library. It adds cache and retries using Polly to the generated proxies. User logic can also be added as wrappers to the requests or to the method calls.
JSON text file based property store support for the .NET WebDAV server
Metaforce ViewpointPro Client
Open-source base project for my Xamarin.Forms based AppCreator
In-memory command bus and asynchronous messaging framework
Build once read many key value store based on memory mapped files
NLog target for Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
Dynamic repository with many built-in data access methods for Repository Pattern implementation for .NET projects using EF6, EF Core or MongoDB.
Uses SteamKit2 to interoperate with Valve's Steam network to enumlate a DOTA2 client.
A message bus implementation based on RabbitMQ
Utilities for the web
FrostAura Core library suite for generic extensions, reactive programming and resilience.