Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Polly

Total dependencies: 1077

Decorate a service interface with Polly policies for resilience and transient-fault-handling with patterns such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback
一个.netcore下的,十分简单的rabbitmq封装,基于RabbitMQ.Client。 经过调整,目前仅支持topic模式。
Client for Lykke.Service.BlockchainWallets API
Service Fabric Event Hubs support
ServiceStack Plugin for event-sourced systems using EventStore
Refit Insane PowerPack is a Refit library extensions which provides attribute based cache and auto-retry features.
Polly.Caching.IDistributedCache is a plug-in for the .NET OSS resilience library Polly, supporting Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache as a provider for Polly's CachePolicy.
Client for generic Lykke.Service.BlockchainApi
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Library for interacting with Plex Media Servers
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Kontent Management SDK
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Allows user to download datasets from the GRID and run jobs on the GRID. Geared towards use at ATLAS, but no reason it can't be adapted for other experiments.
Provides a common database context and predicates for use with Dapper.
Run XUnit tests in a remote process
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