Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Polly

Total dependencies: 1077

MongoDbContext enables .NET developers to work with a MongoDb database using .NET objects.
Communication module, that allows to send and receive messages from Azure Service Bus queues or Azure IoT Hub
Fuxion infrastructure for RabbitMQ
Simple Event bus implementation for NATs
npgsql + dapper, simple retrying and migrations
Provides a licensing extension for Azure IoT Edge using the WorkSense Edge Licensing Service.
Convenient use of the Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ package.
DotnetSpider, a .NET Standard web crawling library. It is lightweight, efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework
Package Description
Package Description
Provides support for working with Polly policies, including a strategy for resilient database queries.
Making it simple to customize Hosting for your .NET 6.x+ application
DevPrime Resilience
A library generated from a OpenAPI doc
Polly middleware that uses a policy registry
Network relatived classes and types. HttpClient extensions. Basic Soap support. Base classes and types for Http server abstraction.
A lightweight HttpClient factory with minimum dependencies that respects DNS changes and integrates Polly policies into the HTTP client.
Cloudburst Microservice Toolkit: Automatic Service Discovery and Registration with Consul