Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NUnit

Total dependencies: 968

We currently have two questions: Fibonacci and FizzBuzz.
This interview question is the Fibonacci Sequence. The user is asked to print the first 15 Fibonacci numbers.
This interview question is the well known Fizz Buzz question. The project utilizes NUnit to verify that the interviewee is outputing the correct results.
A lightweight testing DSL for C#, providing Given When Then syntax for unit tests
Uses PhantomJS to run your mocha/chai/sinon test suite, shows results in your NUnit test runner
A set of libraries which extend the NUnit constraint framework to support deeper comparisons and report detailed differences useful to test debugging. In NUnit there are a set of classes that support the Assert.That(actual, ...) style of assertions. This library builds and extends those classes. Wh...
Describe behaviour in plain text using the Gherkin business language, i.e. given, when, then. Easily execute the behaviour against matching F# tick methods (let ``tick method`` () = true) or attributed C# or F# methods.
Integration test and application health verification framework for ASP.Net MVC
Add Expect (as Jasmine) behavior to NUnit to use instead of Assert.X
Class library project package. Provides a SpecFlow testing framework for Windows Phone apps within the emulator.
Granada helps accessing values in Session and Redirecting to pages with querystrings.
NUnitHelpers is a library of useful NUnit helpers.
RobustHaven.IntegrationTests is used for integration tests with Selenium and NUnit.
This library provides the DSL for parameterized unit test.
AggregateSource.Testing.NUnit provides lightweight infrastructure for building eventsourced, aggregate based test specifications that integrate with NUnit.
Basic Parser for Multipart Messages (often received in http responses)
CatBrows is a SpecFlow generator plugin that adds the possibility to tag you scenarios with @Browser:SomeBrowser tags. Each @Browser-tag will result in a separate test run where value for the browser is stored in ScenarioContext.Current["Browser"].
Biblioteka testów dla przedmiotu Programowanie Komponentowe