Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NUnit

Total dependencies: 968

Project 2 Description
Convention-based approach of writing unit tests.
Helper functions for BDD Development
ReMi TestUtils
Adds an attribute to easily track perfomance tests using NUnit and Application Insights
A simple library for padding geometries.
NUnit 3.0 HTML report with screenshots, emails and test history
NUnit constraints for JSON data
An NUnit test runner which runs inside your ASP.NET application.
A super simple BDD library that doesn't mangle your code, just add Given("..."); When("..."); Then("..."); to your tests. Generate Gherkin .feature files from your unit tests
Unit Testing with Local Functions 🐯 Use NUnit to write TDD or BDD tests: ✔️ Arrange / Act / Assert ✔️ Given / When / Then ✔️ Context / Specification
Easy to use, small, SignalR Core unit testing support with NUnit and Moq. Check my github for xUnit or MSTest version
Package Description
Package Description
A simple library for authoring self-describing, or BDD-Style tests
The current package contains a sets of mocks for easy testing of the bpm'online business layer.
Provides helper classes for Selenium acceptance testing.
A library to create C# object from script.