Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NUnit

Total dependencies: 968

FlipperDotNet is a feature-flagging system. This package is the common adapter test suite.
SpecFlow extensions for Mara
Framework to provide base classes to test enforcing Given, When, Then and using automocking
.NET port of Twitter's Ostrich library for capturing performance metrics in a CLR app
vs2010 + nuget port of
The ROADS SDK consists of client libraries for interacting with the Roads API. The Roads API is only available to customers of Advanced Academics. A valid Roads API account is required to use this software.
An entity framework implementation of the generic repository pattern.
A RavenDB implementation of the generic repository pattern.
Test Nuget package that demonstrates how to create and publish a package. The project is a demo of an optional logging pattern that is described in the linked blog post.
NJasmine is an NUnit extension for writing given/when/then style specifications or tests. Like RSpec, NJasmine as a DSL uses nested anonymous methods to build up a specification. Reference nuget NJasmine to write your specs, and reference nuget NJasmine.NUnit to run your tests.
just a simple
An implementation of the Repository pattern for Windows Azure Blob Storage
An implementation of the generic repository pattern for filesystems.
The alpaca framework tests library.
System class wrappers making work with classes such XmlSerializer or Enum easier.