Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NUnit
Total dependencies: 968
Community extensions for NUnit
Extension methods for asserts for a more readable assert.
Ex: 1.ShouldNotBeEqualTo(2)
Simple page object framework for .NET. Please help me to improve the quality of NPageObject by reporting issues on GitHub at, or emailing [email protected].
This is an old and obsolete package. The latest can be found at TestStack.BDDfy.Samples nuget package.
NUnit.ManualTest is designed to include manual tests in the NUnit Framework infrastructure. The developer simply can add manual test scenarios to an NUnit test that guides a manual tester step-by-step through the testing scenario.
Provides classes to use Monogame graphics with the primal framework.
Kevoree Registry Client
Kevoree Core
Reporting event model compatible with NUnit report generator (Nure).
Yet another BDD specification library for .NET
This library is for creating designers and their`s sprcialisations
Tests for transport implementations
Web automation framework, using selenium
The low level framework library for the E01D system.
Test fixture for testing ASP.NET Core apps
Kevoree Core
A simple .NET library for Windows based on the SharpAvi library and designed for recording video from the screen during NUnit test runs.